Thursday 26 January 2012

Year 12 Studies

Murky City landscapes | Inspired by John Virtue

Medals Of Honour Part 1

Linking to HBS Centenary year,  Yr 8 students have been going back through the last 100 years of their own family histories to find family members who deserve a medal. Stories range from heroic acts in the world wars, setting up orphanages, giving a life for another and starting a new in a foreign country. Students have been looking at ways to use visual metaphors and signifiers to retell the stories of their heroes. The first part of the project requires students to recall their etching skills and create an etching plate from their medal design.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Monday 16 January 2012

Applique and Stitch

Embroidery by Andrea Deszo

Idan Friedman

 Profiles a project by Israeli-based designer Idan Friedman, references commemorative medals and historic portrait miniatures typically set in gilt metal but introduces a contemporary twist. The portraits, embossed on aluminium throw-away trays, suggest that ordinary people (like Idan’s local cashier pictured) deserve recognition. Skillfully executed, this project perhaps also suggests that we no longer appreciate the craftmanship of more traditional art forms, or even the production of everyday objects; a comment on our disposable culture.

Hew Locke

Click here for his website

Felicity Powell

At the Wellcome Gallery until 26 Feb.

Click here to watch an animation of her work.