Tuesday 19 June 2012

Yr 9 Fashion Show Themes/ Accessories:

Animal Print:
Headdress like a lions mane using fur fabrics
Paw prints on face
Cuffs made from fur fabrics
Badge with paw print

Tails made from fur fabric
Bunches or pineapple style hair
Felt ears
Animal noses

African Remix/ Fusion:
Shoe accessories
Thick cuffs or corsages for wrist made from fabric
Hair in thin plaits (thick hair fishtail) or backcombed
Strong eye make up

Flowers made from material as hair fascinators
Hair backcombed/ curly
Massive bold necklaces and bracelets from card/ fabric
Neon skirts
Neon headband

North Africa:
Colourful leggings
Straight hair
High ponytail with hair wrapped round hair band pulled back tight
Barefoot/ sandals

Scarves - Either headscarf, round neck or hair
Tribal face paint
Dark kohl round eyes

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Yr 10 working on their Chinese ceramics project

Year 8 Alice in Wonderland iMovie Animation

Students have created their own storyboards and animations inspired by 'Alice in Wonderland'.